Global Teacher Prize, Enrichment Grants, and More
UNI Overseas Placement Service for Educators Naylor Association Solutions

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences recently announced the formation of the Commission on Language Learning, a national effort to examine the current state of U.S. language education, to project what the nation's education needs will be in the future, and to offer recommendations for ways to meet those needs.
The Commission will work with scholarly and professional organizations around the country to gather available research about the benefits of language instruction at every educational level, from pre-school through lifelong learning, and will help to initiate a nationwide conversation about languages and international education.

Join global educators and organizations to celebrate Global Collaboration Day, today, September 17, 2015!

Today (and beyond), experienced global educators and professionals will host connective projects and events and invite public participation. The primary goals of this event are to demonstrate the power of global connectivity in classrooms, schools, institutions of informal learning and universities around the world, and to introduce others to the tools, resources and projects that are available to educators today. 


In honor of the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2015, the U.S. Institute of Peace announces the Peace Day Challenge. The Peace Day Challenge is an action-oriented opportunity to affirm that peace matters, and that there are alternatives to the violence seen in the news every day. It’s a moment to celebrate those who are working for peace in communities and around the world. And it’s a day to stand up and be counted! What are you doing to promote peace? Make a commitment, share it online, and put it into action on or around September 21, 2015.

Learn more about the Peace Day Challenge

Learn more about International Day of Peace events near you


Application/Nomination Deadline: October 10, 2015 

The Varkey Foundation is now accepting applications and nominations for the annual Global Teacher Prize, a one million dollar award given to an outstanding K-12 teacher who makes a profound impact on students and community.  

Learn more about how to apply for the Global Teacher Prize

Learn more about how to nominate a teacher for the Global Teacher Prize 


Application Deadline: December 1, 2015 | Application Information

The IIE AIFS Foundation Generation Study Abroad Enrichment Grants Program recognizes U.S. secondary level teachers (grades 6-12) who have shown to be outstanding advocates for study abroad. The program is a professional development opportunity for those teachers who have taken the Generation Study Abroad pledge and taken innovative actions in preparing their students for global citizenship and study abroad.  

Fifty (50) enrichment grants of $1,000 each are available to teachers to conduct any learning activity in the U.S. or abroad that enhances their international outlook and global experience. Through their experiences, they will be able to further internationalize their classroom and advance their role as global educators to positively impact student learning.  


Campfire, a program of Global Nomads Group, is a global citizenship program that pairs classrooms with international partners to meet on a weekly basis through an online collaboration platform. In this program, students will engage in intercultural dialogue, explore media bias, and build essential leadership skills to take positive action in their local and global communities.

Learn more


TES Global has launched a global marketplace for teachers where teachers can find classroom materials or sell their own content. Visit the global marketplace today! 


These webinars are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

WestEd School Turnaround Learning Community webinar from 1:30 to 3:00 PM EDT

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