Alumni Challenge, Summer Institute, Webinars, and More!
Naylor Association Solutions

Are you an American alumni of a U.S. Department of State-sponsored exchange program? If so, then you are invited to participate in the U.S. Department of State's Citizen Diplomacy Challenge! Help showcase how U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs benefit us all, from how they advance U.S. foreign policies to how they strengthen the relationship between the people of the United States and foreign citizens.

Alumni will earn awards points for sharing stories about the impact of their experience through activities such as presenting at local schools, writing op-eds, and creating short videos. At the end of the challenge, the alumni with the most points will receive recognition and awards including professional development trips to Washington, D.C. to share their ideas with U.S. Department of State staff. This challenge will run through June 9, 2015, so get started today!

Learn more


Generation Study Abroad is a five-year initiative from the Institute of International Education (IIE), with the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. As part of the Generation Study Abroad K-12 initiative, IIE is looking for 1,000 K-12 educators to take the Generation Study Abroad Pledge by May 1, 2015.  

By signing the pledge, you agree the following:
  • Be an advocate for study abroad and to prepare your students to become global citizens
  • Incorporate a global perspective into your teaching inside and outside the classroom
  • Share your own personal travel/study abroad experiences
Please take a moment to complete the pledge, and share with your fellow teachers. All teachers who pledge their support by May 1, 2015 will not only receive access to a network of partners able to share tools, resources and best practices, but IIE will also offer a free E-book license for A Student Guide to Study Abroad for one full year. Our teacher partners will be able to share this great resource with their school to aid in internationalizing their classrooms and to provide valuable information inspiring their students to go abroad in college.  


BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – After seventeen years of hosting Professional Learning Communities at Work™ Institutes for thousands of educators in the U.S. and Canada, Solution Tree is holding its first institute abroad at Singapore American School, on October 17–19, 2015. The PLC at Work™ Institute for International Schools will focus on the unique needs and challenges of international schools.

The institute will pair international school teachers with U.S. presenters to ensure that the international school perspective is represented. For attendees just beginning to explore PLCs, the institute will provide a base of knowledge and practice. For those already implementing PLCs, it’s an opportunity to revisit the PLC mission, introduce new staff to the process, and hear answers to new questions.

For more information about the event and to register, visit Solution Tree's website


Application Deadline: April 30, 2015 | Learn more

Institute Dates: July 13-17, 2015

The Program for Teaching East Asia, the NCTA National Coordinating Site at the University of Colorado, is accepting applications on rolling-admission basis for its 2015 summer institute on Korea - Korea’s Journey into the 21st Century: Historical Contexts, Contemporary Issues.

In this four-day residential summer institute on the University of Colorado Campus, secondary teachers will consider modern and contemporary South Korea’s distinct history, geography, intra-peninsular and international relations, and transnational cultural transmissions (e.g., K-pop, film, and design). Participants will work with specialists to learn about the Korean peninsula beyond the media coverage, drawing on Korean narratives and texts to enrich their teaching about contemporary South Korea in the classroom. Participants will receive travel allowance, room and board, materials, and stipend. 


These webinars are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).
A Center for Educational Leadership Webinar from 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT
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