July 23, 2013
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Welcome to our new Global Opportunities for Teachers newsletter. The Institute of International Education (IIE) is proud to launch this newsletter that was specifically designed for teachers with a global mindset. This monthly newsletter will features news and announcements of interest to teachers, as well as application deadlines for international opportunities for teachers.
IIE is a leader in providing international opportunities for teachers, through programs such as the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program and the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program administered on behalf of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, or the Hilton HHonor Teacher Treks and Toyota International Teachers Program, just to name a few. 
These programs help teachers bring an awareness of world cultures and global issues to classrooms and students across the United States. Through these programs, teachers have the opportunity to travel abroad, interact with peers from different countries and build linkages with foreign institutions that help to deepen their students’ knowledge of the world. For more information about our work, please visit IIE's Teachers Gateway.
We welcome your submissions to this newsletter. Email us at teachers@iie.org

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program alumna Marisol Ponte-Greenberg directed a children’s concert called "Children’s Voices of the Andes," on May 17, 2013 as part of a Fulbright alumni grant. Marisol arranged this concert in New York City in which her own students, and students from other New York City schools, came together to celebrate Latin American culture by singing in the style of Quechua, Mapuche and Aymara indigenous people of the Andean region. This concert was featured in several news publications including the Miami Herald, El Diario, and others.

Share your alumni stories with us by emailing teachers@iie.org.

UClass connects classrooms across the world around assignments aligned to international benchmarks. First, a teacher finds an assignment from a selection of globally-sourced content. Second, a teacher tweaks it and assigns it directly to students. Third, students do the assignment with students around the world. Visit the UClass website for more information. 

The Institute of International Education recently launched a pilot program to provide girls in Ethiopia with pathways to university. IIE’s new Higher Education Readiness Program (HER) will provide girls entering 11th grade in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital city, with scholarship support combined with innovative leadership and life skills training to help them complete their secondary education and equip them with the tools they need to continue to university. The HER program is part of  IIE's Center for Women’s Leadership Initiatives, which develops and manages dynamic, innovative and substantive programming to cultivate and support women as leaders and change makers around the world. Keep up to date on the latest news about the HER program on IIE's Opening Minds blog
www.iie.org/iienetwork • Member website of the Institute of International Education
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Send submissions for the Global Opportunities for Teachers Newsletter to teachers@iie.org.

We would appreciate your comments or suggestions. Your email will be kept private and confidential.