Call for Papers: IIENetworker Magazine Spring 2014 Issue

Theme: "The Impact of Globalization on International Education"

Guest Editors: Jeffrey M. Peck, Dean of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and Vice Provost for Global Strategies at Baruch College/CUNY and Stephen E. Hanson, Vice Provost for International Affairs at William & Mary

Deadline for Submission: November 1, 2013

IIENetworker, the international education magazine of the Institute for International Education (IIE), invites submissions for publication in its upcoming Spring 2014 Issue. The theme of the Spring issue of IIENetworker will be: "The Impact of Globalization on International Education."

Global education, as we understand it today, would be unthinkable without the many forces of globalization—economic, political, social, and cultural—that have transformed internationalization in academia from an endeavor centered primarily on sending students abroad to a rich network of multiple institutional activities that can define a college or university’s entire identity. Although substantive work has been done on specific elements of educational internationalization, such as study abroad, faculty exchange, intercultural competence, and risk management, too little attention has been paid to the policy implications of globalization in its various guises and aspects for the design, implementation, and practice of global education. Likewise, the globalization literature has often neglected the role of the university as an engine or catalyst in globalizing a city such as New York, Sao Paulo, or Shanghai. In short, theories of globalization have been decidedly absent in international education discussions.

This issue of IIENetworker wants to fill these gaps and moreover to draw substantive, analytical, and critical links between the wide spectrum of serious thinking about globalization and the practice of global education. We welcome articles, on the one hand, that illustrate how globalization has shaped international education in a significant way, and on the other hand, that show how academic institutions have contributed to the globalization of their location, be it a world city or a rural area. Articles should be more than descriptions of globalization’s effects, but also should include some theoretical reflection and analysis, as well as real-world illustrations of these relationships. We are particularly interested in presenting a broad range of perspectives. Submissions from both outside and within the United States—individual, joint, or institutional—are encouraged.

Most articles in the magazine will be between two and four pages (between 1000 and 1500 words). Submissions should include the author’s or authors’ full name(s), email address, mailing address, title and institution. Articles that include references should use MLA citation style and list sources at the end of the article.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to submit an article. The deadline for completed submissions is November 1, 2013. The author(s) will be notified as soon as a publication decision is made.

If you are interested in submitting an article for the Spring 2014 issue of IIENetworker, please address all inquiries to:

Jeff Peck, Dean of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and Vice Provost for Global Strategies
Baruch College/CUNY

and to
Daniel Obst, Deputy Vice President, International Partnerships, IIE