Extended Deadline: Cuba University Orientation Program

Second Annual Introduction to Cuban Universities
Application Deadline: Thursday, May 9

The application deadline for the second annual Introduction to Cuban Universities, June 14-24, has been extended to Thursday, May 9. The trip is being organized by the Fund for Reconciliation and Development. To be sure your interest is registered, please respond both to jmcauliff@ffrd.org and Michelle@Holbrooktravel.com

Access the full itinerary here: http://cubapeopletopeople.blogspot.mx/2013/03/second-annual-university-orientation.html. The delegation meets with regional universities in Matanzas, Santa Clara, Sancti Spiritus, and Cienfuegos as well as in the Havana area and with service learning projects. The program is covered by a people to people license so it is open to anyone with a serious interest in fostering educational exchange and collaborative research.

Costs have been reduced so that with at least ten participants the full program is $3300 (including Miami - Havana air fare); for an abbreviated program ending in Santa Clara on June 21, the cost is $3000. For more information, contact: John McAuliff, Executive Director, Fund for Reconciliation and Development Coordinator, Cuba/US People to People Partnership, at jmcauliff@ffrd.org
