
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
The World of Concreate, SHOT Show and NAIAS were just three of the five major events to wrap in January, each showing strong indications for a healthy 2019. Overall, the top five shows drew larger attendee numbers, more exhibitors - including a significant number of new exhibitors - and greater exhibition space totals.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/news/january-trade-show-wrapup-world-concrete-naias-shot-show-and-more to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Hub Spot Blog
Working with a host of Fortune 500 companies as part of his research into positive psychology, TED Talk host and author Shawn Achor found that the formula of success = happiness was fundamentally flawed in that with every success, the brain simply changes what success looks like.

Visit https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/formula-for-success-is-all-wrong to view the full article online.

While new technologies like augmented reality, voice to virtual reality and machine learning have been buzzed about for some time, enabling smartphones with these technologies offers new ways to connect and ups the ante on immersive experience for potential customers.

Visit https://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2019/1/17/these-5-emerging-technologies-will-impact-your-business-most-in-2019.html#gs.2uDMHkvm to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
SOURCE: Harvard Business Review
Sales leads are great, but all salespeople know that at some point you have to pick up the phone to find your next prospect. The problem is, roughly half of all B2B salespeople grapple with fear when coldcalling including fear of failure, or perhaps worse, fear of sounding like a sales person.

Visit https://hbr.org/2019/02/getting-over-your-fear-of-cold-calling-customers to view the full article online.

SOURCE: ExhibitorOnline
AEG Facilities, a subsidiary of AEG, and SMG, an Onex portfolio company, announced their merger and the creation of ASM Global, a standalone worldwide management venture. The company brings together one of the most experienced teams in the industry and will operate a portfolio that includes more than 300 venues across five continents.

Visit https://www.exhibitoronline.com/news/article.asp?ID=18999 to view the full article online.

Core-Apps, LLC
Teamwork Event Specialists
SOURCE: Forbes
Engaging in sensemaking and narrative building is about more than psychology and sociology (looking inside and outside your own head, respectively). It's about using past experience and current opportunities to describe where you are in life and then figuring out where to go from there.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelbarthur/2019/02/10/sensemaking-narrative-building-and-playing-your-part-facing-the-pendulum-shifts-of-today/#9a4cc3f283b2 to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Trade Show Executive
With a new focus, venue, and date a revamped National RV Trade Show is slated for a sold-out showing March 12-14 in Salt Lake City. Canceling its premiere event in 2018, the RV Industry Association re-launched the show with a focus on dealers, moved the show from its former venue in Louisville, KY, and timed the opening with the start of the 2019 camping season.

Visit https://www.tradeshowexecutive.com/archive/industry-news/after-one-year-hiatus-former-gold-100-show-set-re-launch-sold-out-exhibit-space/ to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Inc.com
For years Google had hired and promoted their top managers based on technical expertise, but after a lengthy analysis in 2008 – the findings were revisited again for significance in 2018 – team Google narrowed their findings to eight habits that reflect what really makes for a great manager.

Visit https://www.inc.com/michael-schneider/google-didnt-always-appreciate-its-managers-now-it-relies-on-them-for-these-10-things.html?cid=hmside1 to view the full article online.

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CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
Despite being a brief encounter lasting but a few days, the face-to-face communication of the B2B exhibition ranks highest in value by business professionals looking for primary sources of information.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2019/02/10/b2b-exhibitions-valued-by-business-professional-attendees-in-trust-challenged-times/ to view the full article online.

Hornblower Cruises & Events
Naylor Association Solutions