
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News

SOURCE: Harvard Business Review

Rather than seeking so-called expert opinions for answers to tough questions, management teams are finding that two heads really are better than one, and that averaging the "wisdom of the crowds" can often lead to solutions of greater accuracy.   

Visit https://hbr.org/2018/12/the-right-way-to-use-the-wisdom-of-crowds to view the full article online.

SOURCE: T3expo
While killing stupid rules is not a new idea, it's one that's gaining new momentum for 2019, with the notion that any rule that provides zero value, was created as a way to minimize someone else's risk, or detracts from the customer experience has to go.

Visit http://www.t3expo.com/about-us/blog/kill-stupid-rules-in-2019 to view the full article online.

SOURCE: LinkedIn
Strong leaders are those who can inspire and support their people. But just how does that happen in this age of disruption when the future looks uncertain and the playbook has been thrown out?

Visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-job-leader-expert-its-learner-adam-bryant/ to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
How ALA Automated Logistics Management for Their Annual Conference
ALA, along with other major organizations like ADA, WVC, MLA, and AAAnthro, have been in the process of Beta Testing the Logistics Module for the past year and a half so that it is ready for use by all meeting organizers in 2019. One organization calculated over 40 hours of labor saved after using the system.
Let’s take a look
Engaging A/V tech, compelling content and advanced technologies will captivate audiences, reduce costs and elevate your next event to a higher level.

Visit https://insights.ges.com/blog/7-production-services-that-will-help-make-your-next-event-spectacular to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Inc.com
In the run to establish, nurture and grow their business, entrepreneurs often neglect to grow and evolve themselves.Following these five phases of growth and development will lead to successful, self-managed companies -- and less-stressed business owners.

Visit https://www.inc.com/martin-zwilling/your-leadership-growth-must-match-growth-stages-of-your-business.html?cid=hmhero to view the full article online.

Core-Apps, LLC
Teamwork Event Specialists
SOURCE: ExhibitorOnline
EXHIBITOR magazine's 2019 Marketing Technology Survey indicates that event professionals are increasingly adopting new technologies, often more than one at a time. The latest results show that since 2016, more than 96 percent report having added microsite, geofencing, augmented reality and other tech to their events and that a good segment also plan to incorporate RFID and other audience response systems in the coming year. 

Visit https://www.exhibitoronline.com/news/article.asp?ID=18837 to view the full article online.

To enhance customer experience and increase customer loyalty, business decision makers are looking at the value of personalization, a more immersive experience, and account-based marketing, all with an eye toward ethically building trust with customers.

Visit https://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2018/12/12/the-5-biggest-marketing-trends-for-2019.html#gs.v8ww0NM to view the full article online.

Event organizers in the APAC region say experience creation is their top priority, according to a recent report by the International Assocation of Conference Centers (IACC). Citing incoming generational needs for greater integration, event organizers are seeking enhanced personalization, increased opportunities for networking and shorter, more creative sessions for 2019.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/news/experience-creation-tops-list-%E2%80%98must-have%E2%80%99-events-asia-pacific to view the full article online.

Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
Create an Experience to Remember
A great event experience must be seamless and unforgettable. Happy participants, exhibitors and sponsors want to come back and bring their friends. Design and deliver exceptional event experiences...
Download The 8 Phases of a Successful Event Today!
SOURCE: Fast Company
The holiday season has many of us struggling emotionally to keep up with all the commitments we've made to family and friends. But focusing on the positives of life and limiting time spent with those that tax us mentally will help make the holidays a happy time. P.S. don't forget to eat a healthy breakfast!

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90282212/5-ways-to-keep-your-brain-sharp-during-the-holidays to view the full article online.

Polling event professionals from Canada and the United States, the experts say several trends and practices seen throughout 2018 should not be carried into the new year. Not surprisingly, the list includes technology without purpose and thought leadership without thought.

Visit https://www.bizbash.com/8-event-practices-to-leave-behind-in-2018/new-york/story/36629/ to view the full article online.