
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
The live experience truly does have staying power. Here are a few stats on why the concept has moved from being a trendy buzzword to an integral aspect of the marketing strategy.

Visit https://freemanxp.com/insights/blog/brand-experience-a-marketing-must-that-drives-amplification/ to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Harvard Business Review
A recent study reveals that people are so to-do-list oriented that they will invariably choose to complete tasks that are deadline-driven, however mundane, even when more meaningful tasks - often without deadline - are at hand.

Visit https://hbr.org/2018/07/how-to-focus-on-whats-important-not-just-whats-urgent to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Feathr
The No. 1 priority for exhibitors is the ROI. So to keep exhibitors and sponsors coming back year after year offer them custom-branded collateral that ensures they can shout their message from the digital rafters, maximize their attendee matching, and track all useful data from start to finish.

Visit https://www.feathr.co/blog/3-ways-to-keep-exhibitors-coming-back-year-after-year to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
How ALA Automated Logistics Management for Their Annual Conference
ALA, along with other major organizations like ADA, WVC, MLA, and AAAnthro, have been in the process of Beta Testing the Logistics Module for the past year and a half so that it is ready for use by all meeting organizers in 2019. One organization calculated over 40 hours of labor saved after using the system.
Let’s take a look
Technology is not only changing the experiences afforded to our customers, but to the work landscape itself, freeing all to participate in more creative, innovative and critical thinking.

Visit https://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2018/5/14/future-of-work-lp.html#gs.fOglC9k to view the full article online.

SOURCE: MeetingsNet
Strongly paralleling the GDPR for European Union citizens, a new California law will not only affect personal information gathered by companies based in California, but also to companies doing business in the state.

Visit http://www.meetingsnet.com/risk-management/california-passes-strict-data-protection-law to view the full article online.

Federal Express
Teamwork Event Specialists
SOURCE: Fast Company
Missing or being late to meetings is the No. 1 etiquette blunder, according to a recent survey of senior managers, with gossiping about co-workers being listed as the most common grievance.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/40590200/these-are-your-two-biggest-workplace-etiquette-mistakes to view the full article online.

With its burgeoning bourbon district and an expanded, soon-to-be-opened, downtown convention center, the city of Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau is re-branding itself as Louisville Tourism.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/news/louisville-cvb-rebrands-louisville-tourism to view the full article online.

Rather than just easing into their new job, some new-hires 'enthusiasm' comes across as pushiness. Spelling out clearly that problematic behavior could lead to job loss is best for both employee and employer alike.

Visit https://www.inc.com/alison-green/my-new-hire-says-her-errors-are-just-enthusiasm.html?cid=hmhero to view the full article online.

CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
CEIR blog
So far we've talked about fine tuning marketing and sales strategies and adding in a methodical approach to data analysis to grow event attendance. Now is the time to ask for those bite-sized returns on your investment - referrals.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/08/attendee-growth-hack-part-three-referrals-vip-programs/ to view the full article online.