
International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industry News
The ability to innovate in marketing and customer experience is inherently intertwined with moving fast enough to keep up with the ever-changing expectations of always-on tech-empowered consumers.

Visit https://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2018/6/4/agile-is-the-mindset-of-the-modern-marketing-organization.html#gs.3CSi508 to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Forbes
It’s a difficult task for any department to maintain (let alone improve) performance with a reduced budget, but it’s a reality that many marketers are facing today.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhall/2018/06/20/4-lessons-to-help-marketers-meet-expectations-in-the-age-of-reduced-budgets/#7297c41b7189 to view the full article online.

With the addition of the events search widget, using structured data with Google and eventScribe adds an extra dimension to your event’s web marketing.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/blog/how-google-structured-data-improves-event-search-results to view the full article online.

Boston Convention Marketing Center
Experient, a Maritz Global Events Company
How ALA Automated Logistics Management for Their Annual Conference
ALA, along with other major organizations like ADA, WVC, MLA, and AAAnthro, have been in the process of Beta Testing the Logistics Module for the past year and a half so that it is ready for use by all meeting organizers in 2019. One organization calculated over 40 hours of labor saved after using the system.
Let’s take a look
SOURCE: Adweek
Many marketers employ social media strategies these days without setting clear objectives to guide their efforts, jeopardizing the success of their venture. If you want to succeed as a social media event marketer, you must know how to use social media to promote your event effectively.

Visit https://www.adweek.com/digital/3-mistakes-that-can-prevent-your-events-from-taking-off-on-social-media-and-beyond/ to view the full article online.

SOURCE: Fast Company
You should never apologize for asking questions. It doesn’t just reflect badly on you; it can weigh down everyone else on your team. Here’s why.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/40587666/everyone-suffers-when-you-apologize-for-asking-questions to view the full article online.

Federal Express
Teamwork Event Specialists
SOURCE: MeetingsNet
Results of new research reveal how healthcare professionals learn about continuing medical education activities and what they say makes them worthwhile to attend.

Visit http://www.meetingsnet.com/continuing-medical-education/what-draws-clinicians-medical-meetings to view the full article online.

With some strategy and imagination, you can create an immersive, custom booth experience that excites attendees while still being environmentally conscious.

Visit https://www.tsnn.com/blog/best-sustainability-practices-custom-exhibits to view the full article online.

Complicated ideas don't have to be difficult to understand. The best speakers know how to make complex topics fun and interesting. Here's how they do it.

Visit https://www.inc.com/ian-altman/3-ways-to-explain-complex-topics-simply-without-oversimplifying.html?cid=landermore to view the full article online.

CEIR Event: Insights on Where Events Are Going
With a little knowledge of Excel, you can exponentially create a methodical, data-driven plan that creates huge value and gains for not only you, but your entire audience.

Visit https://ceirblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/24/attendee-growth-hack-part-one-methodical-approach/ to view the full article online.