Join the HRevolution - Register Today!

CPHR Manitoba's HR Conference 2018: Join the HRevolution takes place on October 23 & 24, 2018, at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg with a networking reception, four keynote speakers and an exciting line-up of 17 breakout sessions, including How to Ignite Your Followers - facilitated by Denise Ryan, Motivational Speaker and one of our Keynote Speakers:

This session focuses on employee motivation and the incredible impact leaders have (both good and bad.) It addresses mistakes leaders make (micromanaging, failing to define expectations, criticizing rather than coaching and more) and how to avoid them. What is the role of reward (concrete ideas that don't always cost a lot) and how does once create a workplace where enthusiasm thrives? Many great ideas HR pros can use to develop their own leadership skills as well as pass on to the leaders in their organizations.

Click here to view our full list of breakout sessions

Register today and be a part of cutting-edge sessions and thought-provoking discussions that are in alignment with industry trends and HR's position in the workplace.

Unable to join us for a full day? Not a problem - you can register to see one of our Keynote Speakers! We offer a number of registration options to ensure you are able to attend in the capacity that best suits your needs. Simply visit the registration page for more information on all the available options.

We look forward to seeing you there in October!