Validation of Professional Experience - Upcoming Submission Deadline

The CHRP Validation of Professional Experience Assessment (VPE) is a formal step in earning the CHRP designation that requires Candidates to demonstrate three or more years of professional experience in Human Resources within the last ten years. 

To gain your CHRP designation through the assessment experience, CHRP candidates will be required to submit a completed application. This application will need to be validated by your current employer. In order to be eligible to submit an application you need to be a Candidate (someone who has passed the NKE) and have had your proof of degree verified. 

In response to requests for a more user friendly form for the VPE we have created a new version of the document. Effective for the May submission, this new form will be replacing the existing Excel document. If you have any questions please contact

The next submission deadline is  May 15.  

Download the new VPE form here 

For more information on the Validation of Professional Experience Assessment please click here