CHRP Enhancements

On Wednesday, August 12, HRMAM and the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA) launched phase one of the exciting enhancements to the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation. CCHRA has a clear vision for one designation - CHRP - as the leading standard of HR professional excellence and ethical standards in Canada.

CCHRA's mission is to elevate the integrity and credibility of the CHRP. On Wednesday, we launched the first phase of enhancements which focus on some changes to the experience requirement for obtaining a CHRP. The following changes are effective immediately and HRMAM, as part of CCHRA, will begin the steps to implement these changes in Manitoba.

Highlights - CHRP Enhancements (phase 1):

1. Changes to experience requirement:

a. The five Enabling Competencies now form part of the experience requirement

b. The Functional Knowledge Areas have been updated and now include nine functional areas

c. Recognition of depth of experience for specialists

 2. Changes to the time period for candidates to acquire professional-level HR experience

More details on these enhancements can be found here. There is also a FAQ document posted on our website to address questions you may have about these changes.

 CCHRA and HRMAM are dedicated to creating one voice, one national standard and maintaining one designation, the CHRP. We’re confident that continuous enhancements to the designation will benefit our members and CHRPs by elevating the HR profession, protecting the public and will contribute to a strong reputation of HR in Canada.