Executive Forum: IBM's HR Transformation Story

IBM has executed a significant HR Transformation over the last 10 years. Beth Bell, Partner, IBM Global Business Services, will cover the highlights of this transformation and include specific discussion on IBM's lessons learned, point of view on attracting, hiring and engaging talent in 2015, adapting to the millennial generation and key insights from some recent IBM global HR studies.

This year, we will be holding our popular Executive Forum in conjunction with our Human Resource & Leadership Conference 2015. The Conference, taking place October 27 & 28 at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, is our signature professional development and networking event. Combining the conference with our Executive Forum will allow us to bring together HR professionals of all backgrounds while targeting professional development to your interests and needs.

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Time: 4:30-8:00PM
Registration Deadline: October 22, 2015

For more information or to register, click here