2015 Human Resource & Leadership Conference - Registration is Open!

presented by People First HR Services 

In industries around the world, business is embracing the principle that finding meaningful ways to engage people inside and outside the organization is fundamental to achieving broad-based success. This is making the Human Resource profession stronger, more strategic and highly valued.

The 2015 HRMAM conference theme 'Evolve/Involve' reflects the relationship between the evolution of organizations and the involvement of people. As workplaces increasingly strive to be relevant and meaningful for their customers, clients and stakeholders, - involving people in decision making, problem solving and goal setting becomes more critical than ever before.

Join us for the 2015 HR & Leadership Conference and leave feeling revived and inspired to take your organization to new heights!

Dates: October 27 & 28, 2015
Location: RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg 
Cost: Early Bird rate (until July 31) - Members $650 + GST
                                                     Group of 4 or more $625 + GST per person 

For more information or to register, click here