Upcoming Webinars - ChamberU

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Modern Earth Web Design are presenting a new webinar series that will run live from 12:00 - 12:45pm every Wednesday.    
Social  Enterprise - What is it and Why Support it?
We are witnessing a global surge of innovative entrepreneurs breaking down the barrier between non-profit social organizations and for-profit business structures. Committed to both social and profitable outcomes, these blended-value businesses are creating effective, sustainable solutions for complex challenges facing our communities. What are some of the social enterprises in Winnipeg doing and what steps can the private and public sectors take to support this emerging sector?
Date: April 1 2015
To register or learn more, click here  
How To Align Your Brand and Corporate Culture  

The way people organize and communicate has changed more in the past 10 years than in the previous 100. It has revolutionized communication and marketing. One of the most significant changes has been the adoption of social media and the new imperative to understand how company culture evolves and what culture means (for good or bad) to a brand value and the ability to compete. 
Date: April 8, 2015
To register or learn more, click here