Upcoming Webinars - ChamberU

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Modern Earth Web Design are presenting a new webinar series that will run live from 12:00 - 12:45pm every Wednesday. 

Best Practices to Becoming a Competitive Supplier
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries is committed to buying local, but as a Crown corporation must work within a set of government rules related to cost and value. Find out how you can position yourself to submit a successful bid. 
Date: January 21, 2015
To register or learn more, click here

Improving Productivity with Outlook, Excel and Other Office Products 
If you're not using Microsoft Office to its full potential, you're not being as productive as you could be. Learn tips and tricks for Excel, Outlook and Word that will save you hours this year alone. 
Date: February 4, 2015
To register or learn more, click here