April 1st is Caregiver Recognition Day - How are you supporting caregivers in your workplace?

Recent Stats Canada report on Caregiving highlights Manitoba as having the second highest number of caregivers in Canada. It is reported that 70% of these caregivers are balancing work and eldercare (1 in 4 employees age 45 and over), this number has tripled in the last 15 years.

A recent Winnipeg survey of almost 100 employees from 2 separate companies highlighted how employees are feeling increasingly stressed balancing their work and caregiving responsibilities. Some of the results showed:

What can you do to support your employed caregivers? It has been shown that the more support the employed caregivers received in the workplace, the more they could successfully balance their responsibilities. This can be done through access to resources, lunch and learns, support groups, etc.


For assistance in implementing some of these resources and supports in your workplace, please contact Julie Donaldson of the Manitoba Caregiver Coalition at 204-953-3720 or mb.caregivercoalition@yahoo.com