Q&A With Judith García Galiana

Q: Most people’s careers are basically a series of opportunities or paths you need to choose from. And sometimes, you may be left wondering, what if I took the other path? Looking back, is there a point in your career you’d like to go back to and see where that path would have taken you, just out of curiosity?

No, I never look back. I always think that everything is for the better, so no regrets and no time wasted on thinking what it could have been. 

Q: Imagine you are going into your most important business meeting ever and you can bring three people along as part of your team…who would you bring and why? 

1. Someone with attention to detail.

2. Someone that keeps me on time and reads body language and teachings.

3. Someone that will gather all inputs and create an action plan to move forward.

Q: Tell us what you immediately associate with each one of the following five feelings:                                                                                    
• Anger - Disrespect, discrimination

• Sadness - Loss of a dear one

• Joy - Music, my husband

• Fear - War

• Satisfaction – Mentoring, achieve goals, helping others

Q: If you had a superpower, what would it be and why? 

Being selfish, but because I travel so much, the power of teletransporation. Thinking broadly, to have the power to end hunger in the world.

Q: What’s on top of your bucket list?

A trip to Japan with my husband.