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AGC Houston

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Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc.
Andrews Myers, PC

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Knight Security
Cadence McShane Construction Company LLC
AGC News
Learn all about some of the most significant technological innovations, including robotics and blockchain, changing the construction industry: ConstructorCast – Technology Changing the Construction Industry. The ConstructorCast is AGC of America's monthly podcast covering all the news, views and interviews relevant to your construction business.


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On ConstructorCast's latest episode, we sit down with industry experts to talk about technological innovations that are changing the industry. It can be difficult to get a grasp on what forms of technology actually have the capacity to bring about true change, especially in an industry as complex as construction. This discussion touches on construction robotics, blockchain, BIM, interoperability and other forms of truly transformative and practical technology.

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Construction spending inched up less than 0.1 percent in July from June but slipped from year-ago levels, as a weak single-family homebuilding market and declines in some private nonresidential segments masked gains in public and multifamily construction, according to AGC of America's recent survey. Contractors remain eager to hire employees but are having difficulty finding qualified craft workers.

" Public officials can help by boosting investments in career and technical education and allowing for more immigrants with construction skills to legally enter the country,” Stephen E. Sandherr, AGC’s Chief Executive Officer stated.

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On August 26, AGC of America submitted comments on the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed rule to establish a new system for government approval of apprenticeship programs that would operate in parallel with the existing registered apprenticeship system.  The new system would provide for recognition of “Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs” through an expedited and streamlined process.  

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News you can Use

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is requesting information and comment on Table 1 of the agency’s Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for Construction. OSHA seeks information on additional engineering and work practice control methods to effectively limit exposure to silica for the equipment and tasks currently listed on Table 1.

Comments must be submitted by November 13, 2019. Read the full press release here.

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The NEC 2020 code review cycle is underway. See the most significant electrical safety changes on track to pass, explore the reasoning for each update and preview future modifications that may affect you beyond 2020.

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New tools have made it possible for parties to more easily evaluate contractors' and subcontractors' bids, but some bidders claim that these tools are time consuming to use, lead to higher costs and can be unfair. Chris Black, director of operations at Appruv, denies that prequalification platforms are "made up entirely of algorithms," as human evaluation and flexibility have become a larger part of such systems.

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Membership Benefits
OSHA's Emergency Preparedness and Response webpage provides information to protect workers responding to hurricanes, wildfirestornadoes, floods and other natural disasters.


OSHA's Hurricane Preparedness and Response page provides information on creating evacuation plans and supply kits and reducing hazards for hurricane response and recovery work.


The AGC Houston Safety Committee has prepared the "Guidelines for Creation of Emergency Preparedness Plan," a highly useful, free document. Click here to download the document and to view other resources.

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AGC Houston | 3825 Dacoma Street, Houston, TX USA, 77092-8707