September 13: 2014 AGC Houston APEX 11 Gala

2014 AGC Houston Chapter APEX 11 Gala

Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Westin Houston, Memorial City Hotel
945 Gessner, Houston, Texas 77024

AGC Houston will present the APEX Awards, which proudly celebrate excellence in construction. Join us at this exceptional event that recognizes our members' valuable contributions to the community, and their demonstrated commitment to skill, integrity and responsibility.

AGC Houston will honor posthumously Leo Linbeck, Jr. with the Master Builder Award

For more than 50 years, Mr. Linbeck worked at Linbeck Group, LLC, the construction management firm started by his father in 1938 as the Leo Linbeck Construction Co. He shared his enormous talent with AGC at the local, state and national levels.
Leo Linbeck, Jr. served as the Houston Chapter President in 1968 and 1969 and worked tirelessly for our industry.  He was instrumental in the formation of the Texas Building Branch/AGC in the early 1970's, working to ensure proper representation of contractor interests in the Texas Legislature.  
Besides becoming a regional building giant, Linbeck took on high-profile causes in Texas, crusading for tax and tort reform in Texas and the U.S. He was founder, chairman and a key benefactor of Americans for Fair Taxation, a non-profit whose "Fair Tax plan" pushed to create a national sales tax and abolish the federal income tax and the IRS.  He also co-founded Texans for Lawsuit Reform.

Please note, sponsorship deadline is August 22, 2014. Please RSVP with your guest list by Friday, August 29, 2014.

Click here to register and for more sponsorship details.

Note: Guest rooms are available at The Westin Houston, Memorial City Hotel at a preferred rate of $109/night. Reservation deadline is August 21, 2014. Click here for room reservations.

The biennial event was created in 1994 to recognize AGC Houston members for their consistent excellence in construction, valuable contributions to the community and their demonstrated commitment to skill, integrity and responsibility.