National Association of Trial Lawyer Executive (NATLE) Leah S. Guerry Governmental Affairs Conference

This past weekend, members of your GTLA staff, along with TLA staff from across the country, converged on Las Vegas, Nevada for the annual National Association of Trial Lawyer Executive (NATLE) Leah S. Guerry Governmental Affairs Conference for two days of presentations, panel discussions and interactive round-table conversations about the state of civil justice today and what to expect moving forward.
As a leading association, from both an organizational and legislative standpoint, GTLA was proud to send members of our staff to serve in various leadership capacities, including: Executive Director Emily Hurt, who serves on the NATLE Executive Committee; Political Director Bill Clark, who served on the Conference Planning Committee and also served as a roundtable presenter; and Civil Justice PAC Director Caroline McLean, who spoke on a roundtable panel.
With representatives from more than 30 associations, these conferences allow our staff to exchange ideas and best practices with a wide-range of TLAs to continue serving our members' interests with the most effective and innovative means available.

Bill Clark and Caroline McLean address their roundtable discussion groups during the 2016 NATLE GAC. 

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association