Columbus TLA Welcomes Legislators to Monthly Meeting

On Wednesday, April 15, the Columbus Trial Lawyers Association welcomed State Representative Bob Trammell (D - Luthersville), State Representative John Pezold (R - Columbus), Senator Josh McKoon (R - Columbus) & State Representative - and GTLA Grassroots Director - Micah Gravley (R - Douglasville) to their monthly meeting at the Chattahoochee River Club. The four legislators were joined at the meeting by over 30 Columbus TLA members and several local members of the judiciary, as well, and they provided a great recap of the many achievements under the Gold Dome during the the 2015 Legislative Session. 

If you would like to get involved with your Local TLA - or if you're interested in starting one in your area - please reach out to Grassroots Director Micah Gravley at

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association