New Lawyers Division Joins GTLA at the Capitol

The New Lawyers Division of GTLA joined our Legislative Team at the Capitol as our Lawyers of the Day on Wednesday, February 18th! In addition to meeting with Governor Nathan Deal (pictured), the NLD had the opportunity to hear from over twenty legislators throughout the day, including GTLA Lawyer-Legislators Ronnie Mabra, Elena Parent, Tom Weldon, Stacey Evans & Micah Gravley, as well as Judiciary Committee Chairmen Senator Josh McKoon and Representative Wendell Willard.
The NLD also met with GTLA's Legislative Team and assisted in the review of various legislative proposals, as well as meeting with their respective State Representatives & State Senators outside of the Chambers. In the afternoon, some of the New Lawyers Division members stuck around to attend the House Health & Human Services Committee Hearing with members of our Legislative Team. It was a great time had by all!

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association