GTLA Now Vlogging

As part of our round-the-clock effort to keep GTLA members informed of the latest activity at the State Capitol, we are now filming weekly legislative video updates.  

We recognize that you are busy and may often be flooded with emails on a daily basis.  That's why we are offering a fun, alternate way to learn about legislation that affects plaintiffs' attorneys and your clients.

You will find the weekly legislative update every Friday on the GTLA website and the GTLA Facebook page.

You can also find it along with more than 20 other videos highlighting the work of GTLA and our members on  the GeorgiaTrialLawyers YouTube channel.

We'd like to express our appreciation to GTLA Grassroots Director Micah Gravley for his technical expertise and creativity in compiling and editing these videos.

If you have a video of a GTLA event that you'd like to share with us or an upcoming event that you'd like taped, please email me.  

Jill Johnson
Communications Director

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association