What You Can Do During the Legislative Session



Dear GTLA Members,

I want to encourage you to take advantage of a great opportunity and sign up as a Lawyer of the Day during the 2012 legislative session.  Witness firsthand your GTLA lobbying team working hard to protect Civil Justice, and provide them with the benefit of your expertise and hometown connections.  Being a GTLA Lawyer of the Day gives you an opportunity to experience the legislative process from an insider's perspective.  Plus, you will make a lasting impression on your legislator by showing up at the capitol.  It is a terrific program. 

The 2011 legislative session was the inaugural year of GTLA's Lawyer of the Day program.  Members from across the state attended committee meetings, legislative luncheons, strategy meetings with the GTLA lobbying team, and sat in on live debate from both the Senate and House galleries.  They were welcomed by members of the General Assembly who were thrilled to meet and greet with constituents from their districts back home.  Often Lawyer of the Day participants were invited to join their legislator for lunch to talk about issues and discuss legislation.  Take a moment and visit our Lawyer of the Day photo album from the 2011 session.  Of note, you’ll see that many of our members met personally with Governor Nathan Deal. 

GTLA is the only association at the capitol with an ongoing advocacy program during the entire legislative session.  It is a great opportunity to build new relationships and to strengthen old ones.  We need to keep this vital program strong.  The success of the program is directly related to the willingness of our members to actively engage in the legislative process.  I strongly encourage you to sign up for Lawyer of the Day today.

Geoff Pope
GTLA President
Pope & Howard, P.C.



Georgial Trial Lawyers Association