New Lawyers Division Off to a Great Start in 2012

The GTLA New Lawyers Division has a lot of great things taking place during the 2012 calendar year and we would like to get everyone more involved. 

Our first meeting of the New Year is TODAY from 5:30pm-7:30pm and will be held at Aja Restaurant & Bar in Buckhead. It will be a great time and place to meet more of your fellow NLD members and catch up with others you already know. We also have other monthly meetings and happy hours set for March 22 and April 19, so go ahead and put these dates on your calendars.

In addition and back by popular demand, the New Lawyers Division is excited to announce that it has organized the 2nd Annual GTLA New Lawyers Division Ski-LE in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. This fun-time-on-the-slopes CLE event and networking seminar will take place on March 14 - March 17 at the Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Casino. We already have a lot of interest and commitments to attend, so please act now to reserve your seat as space is limited. Based on the success of last year’s event, it is sure to be a great experience.  Check out some of the GTLA members who participated last year in the above photo.

In closing, the GTLA New Lawyers Division is always looking for new and exciting ways to promote awareness of our organization, provide resources new lawyers need for success, and make a meaningful impact on the people and communities around us. If you have good ideas or ways for the New Lawyers Division, please let us know. 

I hope you can join us today or at another upcoming event and hope you all are having a Happy New Year.

M. Brandon Smith
GTLA New Lawyers Division Chair
Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association