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GTLA President Michael J. WarshauerAs I write my first "In the Know" piece for 2011, the Georgia Legislature has been in session for only about 6 days. So far, there have been no efforts to socialize the justice system, or introduce tort reform legislation as those who abhor personal responsibility and embrace big government call it. I hope this is because our conservative leaders recognize that tort reform limits personal responsibility, imposes government regulation in place of a jury of citizens, and is contrary to the Constitution which they so vocally support. But while Georgia has been relatively quiet, that is not the case in our nation's capitol. In Washington, there is a very well-financed and orchestrated effort to impose fee caps, damages caps, and other limitations designed to limit American's rights to access to the Courts, and at the same time make personal responsibility a meaningless concept for hospitals, insurers, and others who make billions of dollars carelessly providing medical care. While GTLA is our clients' advocate in Georgia, the American Association of Justice fights our battles in Washington. Sadly, only about 650 of us are members. All of us need to be. Let me make this clear - if tort reform passes in Washington, whether it relates to malpractice, products liability or even car wrecks, all of our work in Georgia will have been for nothing. Federal law will preempt everything. The battle to help giant health care companies, insurers and careless doctors is being led by 11th District Georgia Congressman Dr. Phil Gingrey. We can't just sit this battle out as Congressman Gingrey hypocritically talks about State's rights and the Constitution when it suits his corporate interests, but throws both State's rights and the 7th Amendment aside when it doesn't. Join AAJ,, today and send Congressman Gingrey a note,, letting him know that his hypocracy is unacceptable and that Georgia and all Americans deserve better.

Georgial Trial Lawyers Association