March 2014
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Reginald (Reggie) J. Henry, CAE
Chief Technology Officer
ASAE & the Center for Association Leadership
Mr. Henry’s responsibilities are to implement "exemplary" systems at
ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership that can serve as a
model to the rest of the association community and to "ratchet-up" the
use and understanding of technology among ASAE/Center members. He has
been working with and/or for non-profit organizations since 1985.
10:30 - 11:30 am - New Member Orientation (open to all new and prospective members)
11:30 - 12:00 - Networking Reception
12:00 - 1:30 pm - Luncheon featuring Reggie Henry, CAE
1:45 - 3:30 pm - CAE Interest Meeting
GSAE Member: $25 Early Bird; $40 Late (after April 11)
GSAE Guest: $35 Early Bird; $50 Late (after April 11)
CAE Interest Meeting
If you're planning to take the CAE exam in 2014 and want to learn more about the process, this meeting is for you! Join Wendy Kavanagh, CAE as she takes you through the steps of applying for the exam, group study opportunities and more. If you'd like to get a jump on information gathering, check out ASAE's Learn more and register for GSAE's CAE Study Group here and order your CAE Study Guide from ASAE.
Donate now to the 2014 GSAE Annual Meeting Silent Auction, to be held for the duration of the meeting, May 28-30 in Savannah, GA. The Auction is a great way to show your support and help raise funds for GSAE. 2013 Silent Auction donations produced revenues totaling more than $18,000 to help continue GSAE’s mission of advancing the profession of association management and enhancing the professionalism of association executives. We're asking all GSAE members and friends for support of the Silent Auction this year. Any donation of any size will be most appreciated and welcomed - we can even package smaller donations together to create a fabulous gift basket or experience!
New this year, the Emerging Professionals SIG is excited to announce the Emerging Professionals Ambassador Program! Our goal is to connect emerging professionals with a seasoned professional to help the newcomer navigate sessions, discover new resources and create networking opportunities.
Emerging Professionals: Be sure to request an Ambassador on your
registration form! This is a great opportunity to meet seasoned
professionals and learn to navigate the GSAE Annual Meeting!
Interested Ambassadors: If you are interested in helping an Emerging Professional a navigate the meeting, check the box on the registration form and we will match you with a first-time attendee. If you have already registered for the annual meeting and would like to participate, please contact Jane Anne.
Being an Ambassador is a short-term commitment and requires very little time, yet can make a big difference in the Annual Meeting experience for the Emerging Professional. Annual Meeting Ambassadors will benefit by expanding their professional contacts while investing in the future of the organization, and will also receive recognition throughout the Annual Meeting.
Ambassadors are expected to:
1. Connect with the Emerging Professional at least once before the Annual Conference via e-mail or phone.
2. Meet with the Emerging Professional at least once on-site at the conference (coffee, a drink, whatever you prefer)
3. Help the Emerging Professional network at the conference by introducing him or her to some of your colleagues.
Ambassadors Receive:
- An Ambassador ribbon to wear during the Annual Meeting
- Acknowledgment during Annual Meeting session
Register for the Annual Meeting and sign up for the ambassador program today!
 A major part of marketing your association is managing your brand. How do you know when it’s time to reevaluate the image of your association? In this episode of GSAEtv we’ll talk to two Georgia associations who have made the change, and learn from their experiences. Click on the GSAEtv image to the right, to view the full episode now.
 Association Services Group, LLC (ASG) recently launched the rebrand of their logo and website. ASG is located in LaGrange, Ga., and is the only AMCI Accredited firm headquartered in the state. The rebrand reflects the initiative of the company to stay relevant and appealing to current and potential clients. "We took a hard look at our current market positioning and appeal and saw a need," said Founder and CEO Charles T. Hall. "We’re very pleased with the rebrand. It better represents the nature of our company and our employees’ willingness to serve in a professional, above-and-beyond fashion." For more information on ASG and to view the look of their new brand, visit
After several years of dedicated service to Visit Savannah and the association community here in Georgia, Veronica Enoch is leaving the organization, effective March 14, 2014. She is leaving her clients in capable hands, and feels confident they will not suffer any inconvenience due to her resignation. All of her accounts will be transferred to Jennifer Thompson. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact Veronica until March 14. After that time, kindly communicate with Jennifer at, or (912) 644-6424. We wish you all the best, Veronica!
The Georgia International Maritime and Trade Center Authority (GIMTCA) approved the selection of the Georgia World Congress Center Authority (GWCCA) to manage the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center (SITCC). The GWCCA will be responsible for the management and operation of the SITCC, as well as working collaboratively with the "Visit Savannah" team in marketing the convention center as a premier business destination. GWCCA’s contract will commence April 1, 2014. The GWCCA is working to retain the Savannah staff as well as ensure a smooth transition for the Center’s customers when their new contract takes effect. This is an exciting change for GSAE's corporate supplier representatives Victoria Ten Broeck, SITCC's Sales Manager and Joe Cano, National Sales Manager and Erica Marshall, Sales Executive for GWCCA. Read the full press release here.
We're looking for millennial association professionals who are interested in programming our July 9th Luncheon. Our goal is to show members and attendees great new ideas to reach the next generation of adult learners and to showcase our emerging leaders’ talents.
The Millennials are coming, and they're predicted to make up nearly 50% of the U.S. workforce by 2020. Ready or not, this generation will make significant impacts on the workforce beyond just their numbers. They are more ethnically diverse and better-educated than previous generations with workplace needs that will likely have far-reaching changes on traditional management structures.
Join us July 9th for a program inspired and designed by Millennials. If you're a Millennial and want to be part of this groundbreaking concept, contact Wendy to participate.
Gabrielle Nicolini, Meeting Expectations, is serving as a co-chair for the ( Users' Group, but we'd like to identify one more person to serve as a co-chair for the group. If you're interested in this leadership opportunity, please contact Wendy.
Formerly the Affiniscape 360 Users Group, the Users Group will meet quarterly for peer-to-peer training on the merger and a variety of modules. We know that everyone is in different phases of transition, whether you’ve just started or are already up and running on the new platform, so the group will focus on various topics this year. Please email Gabrielle with the top three things you’d like to see covered this year.
Join us for the Meetings SIG's inaugural luncheon! We invite all association executives who plan meetings to join us for our first round table luncheon on Wednesday, March 26 at an in town location to be announced shortly. To RSVP for the event, or to have your name added to the list to receive information on this and future events, please contact, Laura Guerin, CMP, Chair of the Meetings SIG at
Wednesday, March 12
GSAE Small Staff SIG Luncheon - A Year in the Life of a New Member
12:00 - 1:15 pm
Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center
RSVP by Monday, March 10
Wednesday, March 19
GSAE Board of Directors Meeting
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia
Please use these directions (Map systems and GPS are ineffective)
Tuesday, March 25
Tax Exempt Association (T.E.A.) Group Luncheon - Charitable Giving Compliance
11:15 am - 1:00 pm
Maggiano's - 3368 Peachtree Road, Atlanta
$25; RSVP by March 20 to or (404) 262-7920
Thursday, March 20
Understanding and Presenting Financial Statements to the Board: Part 1 (sponsored by Ohio Society of Association Executives)
2:00 - 3:00 pm EST
$45 members; $75 non-members
Register online
Tuesday, March 25
Understanding and Presenting Financial Statements to the Board: Part 2 (sponsored by Ohio Society of Association Executives):
2:00 - 3:00 pm EST
$45 members; $75 non-members
Register online
As an association executive, one of your most important responsibilities
is to understand and present your organization’s overall financial
picture to the Board of Directors. Join Jason Elliott, CPA, controller,
The Ohio Society of CPAs and OSAE for an informative, 2-part discussion on
reading, understanding and presenting financial statements - even if you’re not a
financial expert.
Late Spring Webinars
April 9 - From Insight to Action with GSAE's own Gabriel Eckert, CAE (sponsored by Texas Society of Association Executives)
Register online
April 17 - Improving Volunteer Engagement and Outcomes (sponsored by Oklahoma Society of Association Executives)
Register online
May 6 - Become a Peak Performer (sponsored by Texas Society of Association Executives)
Register online
Consider applying for one of the GSAE Foundation's internship grants. We are delighted to feature one of our recipients in this quarter’s issue of connections magazine. The application deadline is April 11, 2014. We will announce recipients at the Annual Meeting in Savannah, Georgia. Applications are available online.
We need 2 CAEs to act as proctors for the 2014 CAE exams on May 2nd and December 5th from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm at SAIS (5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Ste. B-200, Atlanta, GA 30328). To act as a proctor, you must meet requirements set out by the CAE Commission, including:
- Hold the CAE credential.
- Not have been involved in candidate preparation in the past year.
- Not be a relative or have an employment relationship with any candidate at the administration of the examination you will be proctoring.
- Protect the security and confidentiality of the examination and the confidentiality of the identity of the examination candidates.
- Not discuss the content of the examination with any candidate before, during, or after the exam administration. You may clarify logistical instructions.
- Administer the examination according to the instructions provided by ASAE.
- Refrain from distracting activities during the examination such as eating or talking on the telephone.
- Collect all examination materials and return them immediately after the completion of the exam via the means provided by ASAE.
- Never comment or make any type of assessment of any candidate's performance on the examination.
- Not discuss the examination with anyone else, except ASAE Credentialing staff and/or any CAE Commissioner.
Please contact Wendy by April 18th if you're available to proctor on May 2nd.
Register now to connect, advance, achieve in Savannah, GA. A registration form will also be included in the next issue of connections magazine, shipping later this month.
Sponsor a break or breakout session! Download the sponsorship form, or contact GSAE for more details.
What to look forward to:
- Prices: $295 association executive; $350 corporate supplier member; special pricing for additional staff.
- $150 room rate, run of house at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa. Book your room today.
- Keynote presentations by Ron Rosenberg, Beth Ziesenis and Matt Tenney.
- 3 pre-conference workshops.
- Breakout sessions feature CEO, specialist and senior staff education and a special technology track.
- 3K charity run Friday morning.
- Silent Auction & Sponsor Lounge.
- Ends by noon on Friday.
Thank you to our host city and properties:
Eventeract, April 23-24 at AmericasMart, is redefining the way we learn with an exciting new approach to education. Powered by fourteen (14) of the Southeast's most powerful meeting & event associations, Eventeract will feature 90,000 square feet of education, innovation, networking, all with an industry wide focus. Our journey driven education is interconnected to provide you with a 360 degree adult learning approach:
Did You Know?
Qualified planners will receive complimentary admission to Eventeract. Simply schedule and complete a few appointments utilizing our Matchmaker appointment technology, powered by ITM Mobile, and you are good to go! Find out more about our Matchmaker program.
A record number of association professionals are set to visit Washington, DC for American Associations Day, March 25-26, to learn about policy issues and advocate on behalf of the association community. ASAE is giving this year’s attendees a new tool to assist in their outreach to Capitol Hill in support of a number of issues impacting the sector.
The new mobile app includes a schedule of events, speaker bios, talking points, Congressional directory, @Power_of_A Twitter updates, and ways to share information on social media sites. It will also serve as a permanent grassroots advocacy platform that will provide advocacy updates, breaking legislative alerts, and allow users to share their opinions and encourage others to participate using social media platforms. Advocates will also be able to email and call their Members of Congress, and ASAE Public Policy staff will be able to keep members apprised of pressing legislation and request action by sending "push" notifications.
The app can be downloaded on iTunes and Google Play for use on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android operating systems.
 Doug Eadie’s newest book, The Board-Savvy CEO, provides nonprofit leaders with detailed, practical guidance for building really solid board-CEO partnerships. GSAE has arranged to make The Board-Savvy CEO available to GSAE members at a 20 percent discount. All you have to do is click on and put in the discount code GSAE when you order The Board-Savvy CEO. There is no limit on the number of copies you can purchase for this special price.
GSAE is proud to partner with Institute for Organization Management, the U.S. Chamber’s professional development program for non-profit executives, and offer two $500 partial tuition scholarships to one of Institute’s 2014 sites. The two scholarships, available to any Georgia Society of Association Executives’ members, will be awarded to students attending Institute for the first time to assist with enrollment fees and cannot be combined with any other Institute scholarships.
For over 90 years, Institute has educated association and chamber leaders across the country through its national program, highly rated curriculum and high caliber instructors. Thousands of executives have attended Institute sites across the country to strengthen their management skills, learn industry best practices, and gain a broad national perspective from peers. Institute has helped them build stronger organizations, become strong business advocates and better serve their members. In addition, you can earn up to 96 credit hours toward your CAE certification as Institute’s curriculum is directly tied to the CAE’s body of knowledge.
Upon completion of the Institute program, graduates receive the IOM recognition which allows them to use the letters "IOM" in public mention and professional correspondence. The IOM recognition signifies the completion of 96 hours of course instruction in nonprofit management and commitment to the industry.
If you are interested in this scholarship opportunity, contact Wendy at by April 21st.
Early registration deadline for Midwest and Southeast Institute is April 25th.
Early registration deadline for West and Northeast Institute is May 30th.
For more information about Institute’s curriculum, sites, and dates, visit the Institute Web site and Prospective Student Toolkit to help you gain insight into the program.
 The Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) supports individuals from under-represented identity groups in the association community, to advance into the ranks of leadership in the association profession. DELP scholars participate in an accelerated leadership program of education, mentoring, and volunteer service in the association community. Learn more here.
DELP online application to the next DELP class, 2014–2016, is now available. All online applications must be received at ASAE by March 14, 2014. Questions? Call (202) 326-9527 or email