Webinars, Podcasts & Blogs from Around the Web

Blogs and Podcasts Around the Web

Visit Roswell Launches Podcast
Visit Roswell has launched their own podcast to discuss local hospitality and tourism. Their first episode features their Executive Director, Andy Williams. 
Podcast app: https://apple.co/3nimrQJ
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2GiDDoU
SoundCloud: https://bit.ly/2SpRY5a

Partners in Association Management Podcast
Partners in Association Management's video blog, "Association Peeps In Cubicles Drinking Coffee!" delves into understanding member needs and expectations. Their latest episode discusses "Fundraising in Tough Times."

Lodging Leaders Podcast
“Servant leadership is not about acquiring power, wealth or fame for oneself as a leader; it’s about identifying and meeting the needs of others.” - Kent Keith

In this episode of The Beacon Podcast, Jeff Jowdy talks with Dr. Kent Keith, author of “Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments.” You no doubt have heard of the “paradoxical commandments” - if nowhere else, then on social media, where, unfortunately, they often are attributed to Mother Theresa.

Lodging Leaders is a top-ranked business podcast for hospitality professionals. Each week, Hospitality veteran Jon Albano chats with top performing hoteliers, leading industry suppliers, best selling authors, world-class speakers and inspiring entrepreneurial leaders who share valuable insights and actionable advice. Lodging Leaders is available for free download on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and TuneIn.
MemberClicks Blog: 30+ Questions to Ask in Your Next Member Needs Assessment
Read this and so much more on MC Talks - the MemberClicks blog!
Association Adviser Podcast
Listen now to The Association Adviser Podcast, delivering best practices, news and leadership strategies for association professionals. Available on iTunes and Soundcloud.
Doug Eadie’s Website Extraordinary CEO 
This site features a fantastic library of blog posts aimed at "taking chief executive officer leadership to the next level." Additional articles, podcasts and blogs are available. 
The Beacon Podcast, courtesy of our friends at Lighthouse Counsel, has numerous archived podcasts related to nonprofit management.
Leading Learning is the podcast for leaders and aspiring leaders in the business of continuing education, professional development and lifelong learning. You may subscribe to their podcast or view a list of those already published here.