GSAE Professional Development Committee Meeting - Looking Ahead to 2015

Please plan to join us Wednesday, October 1 to start shaping GSAE's professional development calendar for 2015.  Your brain power and fresh ideas help GSAE consistently present cutting edge educational topics to our members.  If you'd like to help recommend and evaluate speakers, but aren't able to attend the meeting, please let Wendy know.  Your voice can still be heard by vetting interested speakers.

Save the date for our PDC meeting this fall:
October 1, 2014
11:30 am - 1 pm (please bring your own lunch)
BOMA Georgia - 5901-C Peachtree Dunwoody Road NE, Ste. 300, Atlanta

Contact Erin Hall, committee chair with any questions and to RSVP:

Erin Hall
Director of Communications & Advocacy
Building Owners and Managers Association of Georgia
(404) 475-9980 ext. 4