Save the Date: October 8 - Member ROI Summit (full-day)
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We are in negotiations with Ed Rigsbee, CAE to offer GSAE members an exciting membership-oriented program this fall. By attending, you’ll be able to give your members more value, more reasons to belong, and the urge to recruit new members. Explore with your professional colleagues how to get more members by delivering more ROI...and learning how to actually prove, in real numbers, the ROI your organization delivers. The day's event also delivers 6 qualified hours of CAE education. Attendees will receive the newest "features of membership" real-dollar valuation information from Ed's new book, The ROI of Membership. Even if you have attended one of Ed's workshops in the past, you will find the Summit more interactive, with new content, and new exercise worksheets that will accelerate your knowledge and abilities. More details next month!
