GSAE Summer Calendar
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Thursday, August 7
Webinar (sponsored by Texas Society of Association Executives and Georgia Society of Association Executives): What do you say? Communicating Across Barriers, Around Conflict and Over Clutter
2 - 3 pm EST
$45 members; $75 non-members
Register online
Learn how to advocate rather than "sell" through communication techniques. This session is designed to help you understand the role communication plays in professional relationships. You will explore the three dimensions of communication, enhance your communication strengths, downplay your weaknesses, and build your likeability.
Wednesday, August 20
GSAE Users Group - Best Practices and a live webinar lead by a YM staff person
9 - 11 am
Georgia Nurses Association - 3032 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta
Register by Monday, August 18; $15 includes breakfast
Be sure to join the GSAE LinkedIn Group and the Users Group sub-page to stay connected!
Tuesday, August 26
Tax Exempt Association (T.E.A. Group) Luncheon: Overhead Rhymes with Garlic Bread (Tastes Good, but Smells Bad)
11:15 am - 1 pm
Maggiano's - 3368 Peachtree Road, Atlanta
Cost is $25; RSVP to or (404) 262-7920 by August 21
Tuesday, August 26
Webinar (sponsored by Ohio Society of Association Executives and Georgia Society of Association Executives): Making Projects Work – the Five Crucial Conversations for Flawless Execution
2 - 3 pm EST
$45 members; $75 non-members
Register online
Up to 91% of projects in organizations fail, meaning that they come in past deadline, over budget or don’t meet the requirements they were intended to. Our study of 1,000 executives and project management professionals reveals that the quality of conversations around five common business problems is responsible for the astonishing failure rate of high-stakes business initiatives. Learn what causes project failure and hot to remedy it. Some groups have reduced project failure rates by 50 to 70%.
Thursday-Friday, August 28-29
GSAE Strategic Planning Update & Leadership Retreat
Lake Lanier Islands Resort
12 pm Thursday - 12 pm Friday
Tuesday, September 9
GSAE Emerging Professionals Social Event
5 - 6:30 pm - The Painted Pin, 737 Miami Circle, Atlanta
Register by Sep. 2
*GSAE is sponsoring bowling. Attendees will be responsible for shoe rental ($4.50), and any food/beverages
