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2016 CAE Exam Proctors Needed

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We need 2 CAEs to act as proctors for the 2016 CAE exam on December 2 from 8 am-2 pm at Meeting Expectations (3525 Piedmont Road, Bldg. 5, Ste. 300, Atlanta, GA 30305). To act as a proctor, you must meet requirements set out by the CAE Commission, including: 
  • Hold the CAE credential.
  • Not have been involved in candidate preparation in the past year.
  • Not be a relative or have an employment relationship with any candidate at the administration of the examination you will be proctoring.
  • Protect the security and confidentiality of the examination and the confidentiality of the identity of the examination candidates.
  • Not discuss the content of the examination with any candidate before, during, or after the exam administration. You may clarify logistical instructions.
  • Administer the examination according to the instructions provided by ASAE.
  • Refrain from distracting activities during the examination such as eating or talking on the telephone.
  • Collect all examination materials and return them immediately after the completion of the exam via the means provided by ASAE.
  • Never comment or make any type of assessment of any candidate's performance on the examination.
  • Not discuss the examination with anyone else, except ASAE Credentialing staff and/or any CAE Commissioner.      
Please contact Wendy by November 4 if you're available to proctor on December 2. 

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