2024 GSAE Holiday Luncheon, Awards Show & Business Meeting
GSAE Member – $59 ($69 after Nov. 27) GSAE additional staff – $45 ($55 after Nov. 27) Guests – $69 ($79 after Nov. 27)
Schedule10:00 am–1:30 pm: ACFB Food Drive 10:15 am–12:00 pm: Silent Auction, Wine Toss & Networking Reception 12:00–1:30 pm: Luncheon, Awards Show, Annual Business Meeting & Officer Installation 1:30 pm: Silent Auction Cash-out Thank you to our sponsor: Jekyll Island Authority
Thank you to our annual AV sponsor: OAV, Orchestrated Audiovisual & Production Services
Donate Now, then Bid High and Bid Often!
Donating a silent auction prize is one of the best ways to promote your organization, while helping GSAE raise money for educational programming. Our 2023 Silent Auctions raised over $27,500. Thanks to member Tony Rissley and Expo Auctions, the auction is virtual and open to all GSAE members.
If helpful, we encourage you to partner with a sister property, organization, and/or your local CVB to help promote your area or organization and support GSAE's educational programming. Donate a prize today.


8th Annual Stella Awards – Northstar Meetings Group
Voted on and judged by meeting planners, Northstar's Stella Awards recognize the world's best hotels, airlines, convention and conference centers, cruise lines, destination marketing organizations and destination management companies. Learn More.
2024 Best Hotels/Resorts – Southeast
2024 Best Conference Center
Gold |
2024 Best Convention Centers – Southeast
2024 Best CVB/DMO – Southeast
Bronze |
Finalist |
2024 Best Golf Resort – Southeast
Silver |
2024 Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards: Best Small Cities in the US
2024 Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards: Best Large Cities in the US
Chattanooga's Best of the Best List Named
Congratulations to Chattanooga Times Free Press' 2024 Best of the Best hotel winner The Read House and finalist The Westin Chattanooga.
GSAE Leadership Nominating Committee
The 2025 Nominating Committee includes at-large GSAE association executive members in good standing in addition to GSAE Past Chair Valerie Smith, CAE, Chair Amy Kane, CAE, MBA, and Chair Elect Jason Cline, CAE. Invited to serve this year: SeKoixa Gonzalez, Lisa-Marie Haygood, MBA, CAE, Cece Corbin, CMP, Nancy Pass, and Michelle Shea. The committee is chaired by Valerie Smith, CAE and will meet on Oct. 29.
Four seats for individual association member directors and one seat for a corporate supplier (service) director will be available for two-year terms, beginning January 1, 2025.
The slate of nominees will be offered to the membership for review no later than November 11, 2024. Board members and officers will be accepted and installed at the GSAE Annual Business Meeting on December 11, 2024.
Rooftop Solar Installation at The Classic Center
The Classic Center is proud to announce the completion of the second phase of its ambitious solar panel installation project. This project positions The Classic Center and Akins Ford Arena as the site of Georgia's largest municipal rooftop solar energy system. In partnership with Cherry Street Energy, this groundbreaking initiative is a significant step forward in Athens-Clarke County's commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. Read more.
Supplier (Shark(r)) Tank Idea in Real Life!
Group volunteer and donation opportunities make a difference in the lives of others and meeting participants. See how the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau helps planners find an activity and nonprofit that aligns with their mission and goals.
Hilton Peachtree City Hotel & Conference Center's Spooky Client Appreciation
- Wednesday, Oct. 30
- 5:00–6:30 pm
- Food | Wine | Beer | Games
- Hilton Peachtree City Hotel & Conference Center
- Peachtree City, GA
- RSVP to Shakira at sgreen "at" hiltonpeachtreecity.com
2024-2025 Leadership Academy Applications Open
Applications will be accepted through December 1, 2024 for 2025.
- Updated curriculum relevant to solving today's challenges
- Experiential learning opportunities and tours of local associations
- Small group work designed to turn information into knowledge
- Capstone project required for graduation
- Facilitated by current and past GSAE leaders, past graduates, and subject specialists
- Open to GSAE members and staff
- $1,500 GSAE price
- 6 CAE hours per leadership academy session
- 8:30 am–3:30 pm ET, lunch and materials included
GSAE 2025 Budget Numbers
We’ll add additional opportunities for connecting and learning throughout the year, but this is a great start!
- Shared Interest Group meetings are included in your membership.
- Association Executive dues are $325; additional association staff members are $150 a la carte.
- We are launching an organizational pilot later this month. Watch your email for details.
- Corporate Supplier dues are $350; additional staff from the same company are $250.
- Quarterly luncheons on February 19, April 16, July 16, and September 17, 2025 are $49 for GSAE members.
- Exclusive event sponsorship available for July – $1,500.
- The Holiday Luncheon, Awards Show & Silent Auction on December 10, 2025 is $59 for GSAE members.
- One sponsorship is available for $2,000.
- The 2025 GSAE Annual Meeting is in Savannah, GA, May 28-May 30. Registration fee for the first association executive attendee – $429; corporate supplier exhibitor and sponsor packages range from $729-$3,599; additional attendees from the same organization – $389 each.
2025 GSAE Hosting Opportunities Available
- Quarterly Luncheons on Feb. 19, April 16, July 16, Sept. 17 and Dec. 10 – view luncheon RFP.
- Interested in hosting a 2025 Leadership Academy session? Contact Wendy at wendy "at" gsae.org.
Scammers, Spammers & Phishing - Bleh
GSAE will never, ever ask you to buy gift cards or transfer money among our Board members, volunteers, or staff. We do not use third parties to sell our hotel room blocks or offer membership lists. Call us at (404) 577-7850 if you have a question about an email.
We also urge you to train your staff to do the same – call and confirm authenticity if you are not expecting a proposal from a property or other service provider. Every employee should also have two-factor authentication on every single log-in. We regularly receive the "was this you?" message. Nine times of ten, it wasn't!
Have GSAE News to Share?
Please send job changes, member news, and press releases to Corrin at corrin "at" gsae.org by the second Monday of the month.
Effectively engaging association members in various settings requires a range of products and services. GSAE's annual Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide is a key resource, offering valuable contact information and serving as a crucial purchasing tool throughout the year. As Georgia’s only professional association for nonprofit trade organizations, GSAE connects you with decision-makers across the state. Secure your ad spot in the 2025 issue by October 17, 2024.
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- Virtual CRAM 1-Week Course Begins November 8 & November 25.
- GSAE members have a code in the Member Offers tab of their profile.
- CRAM course fees are based on current/previous attendance, so no discount code is needed.
Rogue Tulip – CAE Exam Redux
- Six weeks for 90-minute sessions via Zoom starting October 16–November 20, 2024.
- Intensive Course for candidates who have seen exam before.
- Register here.
We understand your time is valuable, and we strive to make volunteer service convenient and rewarding. GSAE volunteers truly do the work of the organization. Please send an email to Wendy at wendy "at" gsae.org if you are interested in learning more about 2025 committee and SIG leadership opportunities.
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Explore GSAE's entirely FREE library of downloadable content, including white papers, guides, infographics, case studies, industry analysis, and so much more! Consider this your one-stop shop when looking for current topics you need to learn about that are influencing our entire industry.
Did you know our Career Headquarters links to ASAE's national site? **And** if you buy a posting through us, GSAE gets a royalty payment to support the Society's programming. Check out the Careers section at the bottom of this e-newsletter for the latest Georgia postings.


With the presidential election coming up, are you or your member organizations concerned about talking politics at work and what HR professionals should know before and after the election? Fisher Phillips can help. Contact Terri Stewart at fpatlanta "at" fisherphillips.com for complimentary 30-minute consultation courtesy of your GSAE membership.
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Elevate your association’s efficiency with the right AMS. Our comprehensive guide walks you through the essentials of association management software, including key features to look for, how it compares to membership management software, and tips for selecting the perfect system for your needs. Discover how an AMS can streamline your operations and boost engagement.
Earn 10 CAE hours through the Association Collaborative (formerly CAEathon). You'll walk away with answers to your most pressing association challenges – as well as being able to brainstorm with the group. Each day we will tackle a different topic from the CAE domains, and you will also gain great ideas from your peers.
A week-long interactive digital series beginning Monday, October 21. All webinars are from 12:00 pm–2:00 pm ET. Each program is $60, or purchase all five and receive a 20% discount.
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Mark your calendars to join ASAE in person on Tuesday, March 25–Wednesday, March 26, in Washington, DC, for ASAE’s annual Legislative Fly-In.
Next year promises to be eventful, particularly with significant tax reform on the legislative agenda due to trillions of dollars in tax breaks created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expiring in 2025.
This year's Atlanta Works Virtual Conference from SHRM-Atlanta will focus on technology and legal guidance for you and your team. We're not just talking about AI and employment law – we're covering an array of topics to equip your organization for what's next. Topics include plagiarism, cybersecurity, social media, and more! See the topics, agenda, and register at the event site. Use promo code GSAE-ATLANTAWORKS24 to save $100.
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Webinars, Podcasts & Blogs from Around the Web
GSAE compiles a compendium of podcasts, blogs, and resources from association land that we think will help you be better at your job. Includes new episodes from Rogue Tulips, TSAE, ISAE, OSAP and more. Follow, listen, and learn!


- Recordings of livestreamed and virtual meetings are available on our GSAE1917 YouTube Channel through GSAEtv, including the recent Abit Massey Lecture Series.
- GSAE's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) are complimentary, self-directed groups of GSAE members that focus on a particular area of interest. Learn more about Shared Interest Group (SIG) opportunities and join through your member profile or send an email to GSAE.
President/CEO | National Protein and Food Distributors Association | Georgia