AGMA Gear Industry News
McInnes Rolled Rings
AGMA Updates
June 1 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | REGISTER
e-Drive gears differentiate from other gears in two essential ways: higher quality and the need for an excellent noise behavior. This webinar will showcase a totally new approach of gear inspection using Gleason’s newly developed GRSL (Gear Rolling System with Integrated Laser Technology). Due to the very high measuring speed and the high amount of measurement data, it is now possible for the first time to carry out up to 100% in process inspection, including a noise analysis and thus eliminating the traditional statistical process control. In addition, the system can easily be integrated into a cell, the Hard Finishing Cell.
June 1-3 – Nashville, TN
The 2022 AGMA Strategic Resources Network event has been designed for the next-generation manufacturing leaders. We are providing presentations that address the agile skills that our current manufacturing environments require.
This course is an introduction to the methodology of analytical gear inspection and the evaluation and interpretation of the resulting data. The application of this information to identify and correct manufacturing errors will begin to be explored. Additionally, it reviews chart interpretation and applies inspection data to understand the causes and cures of manufacturing errors. Many chart examples are used to understand cause and effect.
STD Precision Gear & Instrument, Inc.
Gleason Corporation
Industry News
National Association of Manufacturers
Supply chain disruption could continue for more than another year, according to the newest Resilient M4.0 Supply Chain survey conducted by the NAM’s Manufacturing Leadership Council. The MLC is the digital transformation arm of the NAM.
The City of Los Angeles Fire Department has debuted what it believes to be the first electric fire engine in the U.S. The Rosenbauer RTX, which is expected to be in service soon at LAFD Station 82 in Hollywood, looks very much like a standard gas-powered fire engine but it’s packing a lot of interesting technology and features that set it apart from other trucks in the fleet. 
Power Transmission Engineering
We are now living in a digital world. E-commerce consumers expect goods to be delivered faster and more flexibly than just a couple of years ago. Organizations, retailers and their warehouse service providers therefore need to find new ways to move, store and dispatch goods with agility and accuracy.
Harley-Davidson announced a two-week suspension of vehicle assembly and most shipments, citing a regulatory compliance issue with one of its suppliers. The decision was made “out of an abundance of caution" after the company received information from a supplier of one of its component parts, Harley-Davidson said.
A massive influencer in the manufacturing industry is a growth strategy, consulting and venture development firm, Harbor Research. Glen Allmendinger, president and founder of Harbor Research, joined Infinite IoT’s Mat Ackley to discuss the IoT trends affecting the manufacturing landscape and how this technical innovation is driving growth.
Gear Technology
Sandvik Coromant has appointed two new members to its management group. Michael Eneberg began his new role as vice president and head of global sales on May 1, 2022, while Nicolas Dellachiesa will join as head of merger and acquisitions (M&A) in June. Reporting to Sandvik Coromant President, Helen Blomqvist, both Eneberg and Dellachiesa will play vital roles in driving the company’s global growth forward.
Cincinnati Gearing Systems Inc.
The cost to produce electric vehicles is primed to surge over the next four years, according to a new report, the result of scarcity in key raw materials needed to make EV battery cells.
Wi3DP Press Release
SME and Women in 3D Printing (Wi3DP) have announced a partnership to build a more diverse and inclusive future additive manufacturing workforce. The partners will combine their respective experience, programs, and networks to conduct four initiatives to close skill gaps within the industry and attract new talent to choose a career in 3D printing.
NioCorp Developments said that the latest analysis shows the amount of rare earth elements present where it plans to build the mine about 80 miles south of Omaha, near the town of Elk Creek, is the second largest deposit in the United States.
The last 21 months have seen the most active investment period on record for additive manufacturing companies. The investment announcements, when taken in aggregate, reflect the collective entrepreneurial effort in each technology category as well as the interest level from financial and corporate strategic investors.
Robotics and Automation News
What if there was a robot that was easy to operate, did not require a safety fence and was also attractively priced? That would introduce a whole new era in human-robot collaboration. This new era is now dawning — with the world’s first pneumatic robot from Festo.
Car & Driver
American car shoppers seem to have discovered the electric car. After a decade of slow but steady sales growth, electric vehicle registrations in the U.S. shot up 60% in the first quarter of 2022, even as overall new car registrations dropped 18%. It’s the latest indication that domestic EV acceptance may have turned some important but invisible corner.
The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war continues to affect the prices of bearings and related components. This is stated by analysts who assessed the current situation of the bearing industry worldwide. From March to April, some of the global bearing manufacturers, including the larger producers in China, already increased prices an average of 8%.
The Verge
Hyundai is building facilities dedicated to manufacturing electric vehicles and batteries in Savannah, Georgia, marking Hyundai’s first EV-only plant in the U.S. The South Korean automaker will spend $5.5 billion on the new facilities and will receive an additional $1 billion investment from its suppliers.