CPA newsletters are changing...

The CPA is modernizing its communications materials to reflect our focus towards stronger advocacy activities as well to streamline information so that it is quick and easy for you to glean important news and events that matter to you and your business.

So, this is the last Public Affairs newsletter you will receive. It will be replaced with a monthly CPA update that will include highlights of key files – both government relations and regulatory health and safety matters – as well as important events the CPA is hosting and attending.

The CPA committees, both regional and regulatory affairs, will incorporate in-depth information on these files and you are encouraged to join the committees if you wish to participate or learn more about the issues we are working on and/or receive the minutes. CPA members are the experts and we greatly appreciate any time that you can contribute to helping us create responsible market growth for the industry on your behalf.

There will also be an opportunity to advertise in our newsletter. We are currently working on the sizing and rates. Please email Sr. Director of Communications and Marketing Tammy Hirsch if you are interested in advertising.

We would love to hear any feedback you have on our newsletters or communications materials in general. Please email Tammy Hirsch with your comments.