CPA participates in proposed methane amendments consultation

As part of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) consultation process on potential methane amendments, the CPA submitted its perspective in December. The CPA worked with other energy associations to ensure alignment on messaging where possible and that producing members of the CPA were represented consistently.

These proposed changes add another layer of regulatory burden for the Canadian energy sector at a time when the U.S. is incentivizing investment (i.e., through its Inflation Reduction Act). There is substantive potential for duplication with the proposed changes to existing regulatory measures for the propane industry. For example, some facilities are already included in the Output-Based Pricing System Regulations and under provincial pricing programs such as Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation (TIER) and under Alberta Energy Regulator’s Directive 60.

Expanding the scope of the methane regulatory measures beyond the current methane regulation scope will increase this overlap between carbon pricing systems and methane regulations. The CPA supports the federal government’s goal of methane reduction; however, getting there requires a practical and realistic approach.

The ECCC consultation process closed on December 12, 2022. The CPA will continue to engage with the federal government and members as this proposed regulatory framework moves ahead. For a copy of the submission and for further information, please contact VP Government Relations, West, Katie Kachur.