CN says 2022-23 Winter Plan creates more robust and resilient rail transportation for propane sector

CN recently published its 2022-2023 winter plan with specific references to propane service. The CPA has consistently engaged with Class 1 rail carriers and the federal government to identify opportunities to create more robust and resilient rail transportation for the propane sector, specifically during the winter months when millions of Canadians rely on propane to heat their homes and cook their food.

The new CN plan states: “Knowing propane demand grows significantly in winter, CN is advancing transload solutions across its North American network. The resulting options increase the number of car spots available to handle and offload propane during the peak winter season.”

In addition, CN is working with multiple customers to increase the rail capacity of their facilities, including self‑switching and additional self‑storage capacity. The railway is also working to provide more options to move product into and out of storage so shippers can pre‑position inventory closer to their end markets, offsetting cold and precipitation impacts on the supply chain during the heart of winter.

The CPA will continue to work with CN as well as Canadian Pacific Railway to identify solutions for rail challenges that impact the propane sector, with continued input from the CPA Rail Task Group. The CPA hosted a webinar on October 19 with CN’s Assistant VP Sales, Petroleum and Chemicals, Sandra Ellis, to learn more about the 2022-2023 season. For a link to the webinar, please email