UPDATE - ON: CPA forming strategic alliances to effect change in seasonal load restriction regulations

In June 2020, CPA Ontario Government Relations Director, Marcelline Riddell, initiated discussions with potential partners to effect change in the regulatory regime for seasonal load restrictions under the Highway Traffic Act, 1990 (O. Reg.160/20). 

Riddell spoke with Debra Conlon, Government Relations Lead for the Grain Farmers of Ontario on June 19, 2020 about forging a strategic alliance on issues of mutual interest, including seasonal load restrictions and the federal carbon tax for agriculture. Conlon and Riddell agreed to apprise each other of updates on these issues and provide advocacy support to the other organization as requested on common approaches.

Riddell subsequently spoke to Ontario Agri-Business Association (OABA) CEO Dave Buttenham on June 24 about establishing a similar relationship on these and other mutual matters. OABA, representing over 400 grain elevators, feed manufacturers and crop supply businesses, was instrumental in achieving the recent seasonal load restriction holiday during the COVID-19 emergency management period in Ontario.

Buttenham acknowledged he was only able to secure the exemption for the south region of the province due to strong northern municipal forces. He also shared his strategy to address the ongoing objections of any regulatory revisions as too damaging to municipal infrastructure by focusing on the make-up of existing fleets and useful mitigation measures. He committed to contact Riddell on any developments with respect to this issue and invited her to the OABA’s next transportation committee meeting in the fall. 

The CPA will continue to work with these organizations and explore other potentially beneficial sectoral partnerships to make inroads on this issue.