Updated ERAC Dangerous Goods Preparedness and Response Participation Agreement

As part of these changes from Transport Canada, Emergency Response Assistance Canada (ERAC) has also updated their Dangerous Goods Preparedness and Response Participation Agreement to ensure that they meet all federal regulations on your behalf.  

This new agreement must be signed by your organization upon re-submission of your ERAP. Once ERAC is added as a delegated ERAP writer, they will send a copy of the new agreement for your review and signature. This agreement must be uploaded to EOS before resubmitting the ERAP to Transport Canada.

If you have any questions about your ERAP, adding ERAC as a delegated ERAP writer, or the updated agreement, please contact Cheryl Dahlager at cheryl.dahlager@erac.org or 403-543-6092, or Joanna Bossert at joanna.bossert@erac.org or 403-543-6504.