SK: Committee meeting highlight - Obligation to ensure permits in place for used grain dryers

The Saskatchewan Committee had a successful fall meeting in Davidson on September 18.

During the meeting, guest speakers Tim Keck and Doug Hird of SaskPower Gas Inspections updated members on the influx of used grain dryers in Saskatchewan fields during this harvest and stressed the importance of securing permits and having gas fitters install new or used grain dryers. 

A number of other topics were discussed, including the matter of tanks on trailers that was raised by Saskatchewan Chair Scott Morris, as there are still some concerns regarding this issue, and the state of the 2019 harvest in Saskatchewan (for more information on the status of harvesting across the provinces, see Western Canada to have a late harvest). Gary Gerling of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations discussed the progress on having the gas fitter trade recognized in Saskatchewan and provided an update on the national Canadian Registration Number initiative.

Finally, CPA updates included the CPA’s outreach strategy to candidates during the federal election, the development of the PROPANE advantage booklet, Auto Propane Day, and the availability of the Reliable Propane decals on the new safety section of the CPA website. Regulatory affairs topics included a new Transport Canada pilot for electronic shipping documents, the CPA regulatory survey, the new Environmental Emergency Plan regulations and a joint project that has been created between the Standards Council of Canada and the CPA on gas fitter labour mobility.