MB: Manitoba Progressive Conservatives: An opportunity for propane

                      Premier of Manitoba Brian Pallister. Source: CBC

Newly re-elected Premier of Manitoba Brian Pallister called the Progressive Conservatives’ victory a step forward for the province and a renewed mandate from voters to continue their program of cost-cutting and tax reductions.

The Manitoba election call came more than a year before the mandated election date of October 6, 2020. Premier Pallister explained his decision of fast-forwarding the election by the fulfilled promises and high achievements accomplished by his government.   

The CPA will continue reaching out to the government to inform them of the benefits of propane as an abundant fuel source that is vital to replacing higher carbon fuels for agriculture, construction, and heating in rural and remote communities. 

The Association believes this government sees the value of propane in many of their industries as they listed extensive exemptions for propane in the proposed Manitoba carbon tax. The CPA hopes to expand that perspective to ensure propane is treated on an equal playing field while also leveraging it across other provinces.