Gear up for #AutoPropaneDay!

The World LPG Association (WLPGA) is creating another annual global awareness campaign to raise the profile of propane, similar to the very successful #LPGDay held in June. The focus of this campaign is to promote auto propane/autogas and the main event will be held on Friday, September 27, 2019. 

 The CPA is once again putting together social media materials for members to post on their social media platforms, which will be provided over the next few days.

In addition to the social media campaign, we also encourage members to organize activities, either on Friday, September 27 or Saturday, September 28, when there is increased public availability. Similar to what WLPGA member AutoGas Nederland organized last year (see their Facebook page for photos), activities to promote auto propane could include:

If you host an event, don’t forget to take photos and post on social media using the hashtags:  #autopropaneday #autogasday!

The CPA has designed a promotional banner for outside use that can be posted into the ground to help support any activities that you may plan for your campaign. You may personalize the main design of the banner and add your own logo. The cost per banner is $380+ taxes and shipping (prices will vary per province) and can be ordered by filling in the Instant Imprints Order Form and emailing it to:

The CPA also has printable promotional material that can be used for your event. Check out the auto propane section on the CPA website.

 Let’s work together to promote auto propane and raise awareness about one of the cleanest, safest alternative fuels available!

 For more information, please contact Tammy Hirsch, Sr. Communications and Marketing Director at