ERAC Request for Donated or Discount Pricing on Surplus or Unwanted Equipment

Emergency Response Assistance Canada (ERAC) is currently working on a project to develop more ERAC-owned equipment caches that will be strategically placed across Canada and would be able to be transported to any incident or training facility when needed.
ERAC is reaching out to industry to request the donation of or discounted pricing on any unwanted or surplus equipment to assist with the ongoing development of their equipment caches.
Not only will your equipment donation support ERAC and the industry's emergency response and preparedness, it will also benefit you, the corporation or private company. ERAC can issue a letter acknowledging receipt of the goods after the donation has been made; however, ERAC is unable to issue official tax receipts as they are a not-for-profit organization and not a charity organization.
Please click here for a list of the LPG and Flammable Liquid equipment items needed to develop the equipment caches that will support all Plan Participant members. Please contact ERAC via email at with any questions, or regarding equipment you may have to support ERAC.