Conference Planning Committee Co-chairs Meet
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The planning committee just met, and with Conference Co-Chairs Gregory Bostick, SUPERVALU, and Andrew Moreau, Strive Logistics leading the way, our 2014 committee looks to provide yet again another great event.
The conference theme,"Bridging the Gap," will have sessions you won't want to miss.
Extensive networking opportunities starting with morning and afternoon golf rounds on Sunday the 23rd, Sunday lunch for all, return of First Time Attendee Reception, Sunday reception and dinner, Monday conference sessions, Monday reception and banquet dinner, ending with Tuesday morning's conference sessions on the 25th, are essential to making the most of your time at the conference.
We are pleased to maintain our conference rates at our previous level of $750 per attendee for shippers and receivers and $975 for per attendee for all other attendee types. Conference attendance will be limited to 900 in total.
The Food Shippers of America 2014 Annual conference will be held at the JW Marriott Grand Lakes in Orlando FL, February 23-25, 2014.
Food Shippers of America has secured a discounted room rate for registered conference attendees of $229 per night plus tax. While we have increased our room block from last year, rooms are available on a first come/first served basis, and the discounted room rate can only be applied through use of the link provided. Securing room reservations is the responsibility of the attendee and is not included in the conference registration fee.
Look forward to seeing you there!!! 