The Forensic Expert Witness

Happy Fall to everyone!

This is a great time of year when the end of Summer and the beginning of Winter are tied together with the Fall change of seasons. As the seasons change so has FEWA!

As an expert who is either in the expert witness business currently or is considering getting involved, the Fall 2022 Applied Expert Witness Skills Virtual Summit will provide a lot of great information and provide contact with members of FEWA. Please go to our website and sign up today.

FEWA is pleased to announce our Fall 2022 Applied Expert Witness Skills Virtual Summit, delivered live via Zoom, 10:30 Central Time to 4:00 PM Central Time, October 10 and 11, 2022. An applied skills summit for experts of all types and specialties, those aspiring to be experts, and those supporting experts with the aim of live education that helps professionals located anywhere to become better expert witnesses.

Up to 10 hours of learning! 8 hours professional education + 2 hours virtual professional practice salons = up to 10 hours; 4 hours each day, 2 days of education; plus 2 hours constructive professional collaboration or membership benefit maximization.

Click below to learn more and to register!