Certified Fence Professional Designation Changes

At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors held in Dallas, Texas, the Certified Fence Professional Program was discussed in detail and the Board determined that the program’s designation will become a Certificate Program.

Effective immediately, all Certified Fence Professionals will maintain their existing designation with no renewal requirements. In 2022, AFA will be rolling out an updated certificate program with a new name that will cover the ASTM Standards for Fence Materials and Products. If you are a CFP in good standing, you will be grandfathered in.

The program will no longer require a renewal fee or Continued Education Credits (CEU) to maintain the designation. Please continue to use the CFP Pin, stamp and signature line as desired.

The following categories of people are affected:

1. Current Certified Fence Professionals ‐ no action is required. You are no longer required to pay a renewal fee or submit continuing education credits and your designation will not expire. If you would like an updated certificate, you may print one at any time through the AFA Member Portal.

2. Lapsed Certified Fence Professionals ‐ AFA is offering one final opportunity to renew the CFP credential. The cost is $50 for members and $100 for nonmembers. Continuing education is no longer required. The deadline to submit your renewal fee is July 31, 2021.

If no payment is received, the CFP designation will be lost and there will be no opportunity to recover the designation. Lapsed CFPs may sign up for the new program in 2022 to earn the new certificate.

3. NEW Certified Fence Professional Applicants ‐ any new applications that have been received through May 31, 2021 will be processed. A link to an online exam will be sent to you to take at your convenience and you will be granted CFP status (with no renewal due) once you pass the exam.

For further information, please contact the American Fence Association via email at memberservices@americanfenceassociation.com or call 1‐800‐822‐4342.