Finish 2020 strong by saving your company money while also entering yourself into the Finish 2020 Strong Member Savings Program Contest!

Register for MSP supplier accounts including Hewlett Packard, Ace Hardware, Sherwin Williams, Batteries Plus Bulbs, our Health Plan, MSP 401K Plan, Alliant Business Insurance and more. Each supplier registration equals 1 entry, so you can have up to 6 entries per person.

Contest Period: November 10 - December 31, 2020
Prizes include:
1st Prize - $250 Hewlett Packard Gift Card
2nd Prize - $100 Verns' Toffee Gift Card - Best stuff ever!
3rd - 5th Prize - $50 Restaurant.Com Gift Cards
Members can register at
Just check the boxes next to the suppliers you want to register with for savings. Each supplier request will count as a single entry. MSP will register an account for you or, if necessary, our suppliers will reach out to you to expain the their program and connect your company to their MSP Group Purchasing Program.
There is no purchase necessary - you even get one entry without registration with any suppliers. Complete details of the contest can be found at
Why not have a chance to win great prizes and also save on goods and services your company is already using?