APAC Contributions Support Legislative Victories

Did you know that FAA's advocacy efforts are funded through APAC? APAC is a political action committee that helps elect multifamily friendly political candidates. Your contribution to the Apartment Political Action Committee helps FAA promote legislation that benefits the multifamily industry and fight to keep bad bills from becoming law. Invoices for recommended contribution levels have been mailed, along with a letter describing some of FAA's legislative accomplishments this year. When you receive your APAC letter, know that the amount requested matches your giving level from 2015. We hope you will renew your contribution form 2015 and help us have continued legislative success.

Two major pieces of legislation that may positively affect the multifamily industry passed during the session that ended on March 11, including a bill drafted by FAA to allow Certified Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMTs) to repair HVAC, water heater and AC units. Additionally, as part of the Sadowski Coalition, FAA helped to secure $200 million in funding for affordable housing. Read more about these and other bills.

2016 proved to be an incredibly successful legislative year for the multifamily industry. Our continued success depends on the financial strength of APAC. Consider your APAC contribution as a form of business insurance. You are making an investment to ensure the election of candidates who will help protect our industry. Remember, your freedom to do business depends on our continued ability to advocate for your issues! You can give online here. 

In addition to giving online, you can contribute to APAC in a variety of fun and exciting ways. You can support APAC by attending the All Hands on Deck for APAC yacht party supported by RethPath and CORT on October 5 at the FAA Annual Conference and Trade Show. Your ticket includes an evening cruise around Boca Harbor aboard a luxury super yacht, with an open bar and heavy hors d'oeuvres. The evening will also include music, dancing, and an auction. Tickets can be purchased with full registration to the FAA Annual Conference & Trade Show or separately for $160. 

Please email Courtney@faahq.org with any questions regarding APAC giving or FAA legislative priorities.