MAA Becomes 1st Diamond Level APAC Investor

Just in time for the 2016 Florida state legislative session, MAA has made a commitment to contribute $10,000 to the Florida Apartment Association Apartment Political Action Committee (APAC). The contribution makes MAA the first APAC investor at the diamond level of $10,000 or higher.

"This contribution is especially important this year," said Glenn Evers, C.A.M., C.A.P.S., FAA president for 2015-2016 and MAA regional vice president. "One of the bills FAA is fighting this session would allow apartment owners and staff to be charged with a felony if it is determined that something in an apartment wasn't fixed the way that the state agencies deem appropriate."

"It does appear that the regulatory environment continues to get tougher all the time," said Eric Bolton, MAA chairman and chief executive officer. "We have a lot of investment in Florida and are happy to support the FAA and APAC with a $10,000 contribution."

The contribution comes as FAA members are preparing to head to Tallahassee to meet with legislators and staff to discuss issues of importance to Florida's multifamily industry. (For more about FAA's Legislative Conference and Legislative Platform, click here.)

"Our members' freedom to do business depends on our continued ability to advocate on issues important to our industry," said Josh Gold, FAA executive vice president. "Thank you, MAA for your landmark Diamond Level investment and commitment to APAC."

For more information about APAC or FAA legislative priorities, please contact Courtney Barnard, FAA government affairs director, at